This imposing lighthouse can be seen in front of us, was built in 1853, 138 m. On the sea and protects one of the most dangerous coasts in the world.

It is known by all the seafarers of the world, because of its importance as a means of warning of the proximity of an extremely dangerous coast, its light reaches to reach 65 km of length, as well as for the reputation of treacherous of this marine zone.

It is the most western and emblematic lighthouse in Europe, traditionally considered the end of the world, "Finis Terrae".

This point advances on the sea about 5 km in a southerly direction, parallel to the granite Monte Pindo forming the protected and beautiful estuary of Corcubión.

For thousands of years it was thought that every night the sun went down in its waters, and beyond that point there was only a region of darkness and monsters.

This building, forms part of an interesting set of fume architecture. It is the work of the engineer Felix Uhagón, and has category of lighthouse of first order.

If we look at the tower, made of stonework, we can see that its octagonal base ends on a ledge on which supports the balcony. On top is the vault with a polygonal lantern, 138 meters above sea level.

Originally operated with oil lamp, after various reforms were electrified with incandescent lamps, emitting a flash every five seconds with a range of 31 nautical miles (57 km).

If we go a few steps we see in the building next to the lighthouse, the foghorn, popularly known as the Cow of Fisterra (Finisterre), work of Angel Garcia del Hoyo, came into operation in 1889 for the days when the fog prevented seeing the light of the lighthouse. It emits two strident sounds every minute, with a range of 25 miles (46 km).

According to the classical historian Lucio Floro, Tenth June Brutus, in the year 137 BC, he came to this promontory and did not want to leave without first looking at how the sun dipped in the sea, chirping like a red hot iron when it enters the water .

This sunset is considered today one of the best natural spectacles that can be seen on the Costa da Morte, Anyone who visits comes to contemplate that magical moment of how the sun dies in the sea.