The need to improve the conditions of recognition of the Ria de Viveiro requires the construction of the Roncadoira lighthouse. The difficult entrance to the estuary with an impracticable channel in low tide motivated already in the first half of the twentieth century the installation of two lights emplaced in the ends of its mouth, the mark of Socastro to the west and the one of the tip of Faro to the east.

The project of the lighthouse was authorized the 24 of July of 1974 following the model of cylindrical concrete tower of 3 meters of diameter and 12,70 meters of height and painted of white, entering in service of definitive form the 25 of February of 1984 with A range of 21 miles. In 1993 a new luminous equipment was installed and it was monitored to be supervised from the Control Center of the port of Ferrol.

Curiosities, myths and legends

On the beach of Covas in the Ria of Vivero, stands a monument reminding of the tragedy that occurred on November 2, 1810. A strong storm destroyed the Fragata "Mª Magdalena" that went to sink on the beach of Covas and dragged the brig Palomo to the Beach of Sacido. Both ships were part of the "Cantabrian Expedition" and the number of dead reached the figure of 550, one of the greatest tragedies of the Spanish Coast.

This fact had an enormous repercussion at national level, and more if we add the circumstance that the body of the captain Blas de Salcedo de la Fragata "Mª Magdalena" was found hugged to the one of its son in the beach, reason why the Navy forbade that Parents and children or brothers will embark in the same boat.